
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Zebu city Zhejiang China 30.18 121.31 26 531366
Zebu city Taraba Nigeria 7.95 9.31 364 6101
Zebu city West New Britain Papua New Guinea -6.23 150.32 147 795
Zebuandea city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.50 27.44 2509 4172
Zebuchakacun city Xizang China 32.55 92.84 15948 298
Zebucun city Xizang China 29.56 94.50 10908 0
Zebucun city Xizang China 32.06 92.70 15216 328
Zebuda city Serbia 43.34 19.67 2677 5811
Zebudu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.50 27.85 2509 4211
Zebudžas city Zebbug Malta 36.07 14.24 830 23454
Zebul city Amara Ethiopia 12.20 39.77 5879 9767
Zebula Golf Estate & Spa airport -24.76 27.97 0
Zebulon city Georgia United States 33.18 -83.00 830
Zebulon city Georgia United States 33.10 -84.34 859
Zebulon city Kentucky United States 37.53 -82.47 1095
Zebulon city North Carolina United States 35.82 -78.31 301
Zebulon (historical) city Arkansas United States 34.31 -93.63 830
Zebun Khiylet city Ma'akel Eritrea 15.26 38.78 7549 23815
Zebus city Plzensky Kraj Czech Republic 49.82 13.16 1669 894
Zebus city Czech Republic 50.48 14.43 990 2223
Zebuđa city Serbia 43.34 19.67 2677 5811

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