
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Zarlana Danna city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.40 73.94 9311 17149
Zarlardinge city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.76 3.83 111 30793
Zarli city Guera Chad 12.05 18.69 1669 596
Zarlin city Balochistan Pakistan 30.37 68.24 6128 3278
Zarluki city Dahuk Iraq 37.06 43.64 2020 4619
Zarlān city Zanjan Iran 36.68 48.62 6709 46605
Zarlūkah city Diyala Iraq 34.45 44.72 830 2235
Zarlūna city Balochistan Pakistan 30.96 69.40 5288 1788

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