
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tāri city Uttar Pradesh India 25.47 83.01 226 29979
Tāri city Madhya Pradesh India 24.85 81.76 1003 35774
Tāri Bigha city Bihar India 24.90 85.40 275 85945
Tāri Jot city Uttar Pradesh India 26.75 82.77 252 128471
Tāri Khurd city Uttar Pradesh India 27.25 82.01 337 53571
Tāri Parsohia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.25 82.00 334 55120
Tāriga city Karnataka India 13.96 75.22 2004 9828
Tāriga city Karnataka India 13.90 75.25 2509 10417
Tārigom city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.59 75.18 5869 56589
Tārij city Daykundi Afghanistan 33.38 66.32 5301 1639
Tārimpur city Rangpur Bangladesh 25.59 88.64 104 178641
Tārini city Dhaka Bangladesh 25.19 90.24 65 48041
Tārinibas city Khulna Bangladesh 23.26 89.01 65 196452
Tārinibās city Bangladesh 23.25 89.01 68 253340
Tāripur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.95 81.39 360 59789
Tāriq Block city Punjab Pakistan 31.49 74.32 830 679037
Tāriqābād city Pakistan 34.37 73.48 2791 6407
Tāriqābād city Punjab Pakistan 31.43 73.10 830 369656
Tārivāi city Karnataka India 16.05 76.17 1715 20413
Tāri̇̄ city Nepal 27.70 86.07 5029 11931
Tāri̇̄ city Nepal 27.72 85.75 3349 14201
Tāri̇̄ city Nepal 27.38 86.03 1925 16352

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