
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Suphal Bigha city Bihar India 24.98 85.49 229 94994
Suphalpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.06 80.99 410 40235
Supham Buri city Suphan Buri Thailand 14.47 100.12 19 71489
Suphan Buri city Suphan Buri Thailand 14.47 100.12 19 71489
Suphandere city Adana Turkey 37.94 35.85 2703 5513
Suphanderekoy city Adana Turkey 37.94 35.85 2703 5513
Suphella city Sogn og Fjordane Norway 61.45 6.82 3700 447
Suphelle city Sogn og Fjordane Norway 61.45 6.82 3700 447
Suphellen city Sogn og Fjordane Norway 61.45 6.82 3700 447
Suphera city Punjab India 30.26 76.40 830 77217
Suphi Chak city Bihar India 25.51 87.37 91 72216
Suphka city Kachin State Burma 26.05 97.53 2030 0
Suphkawm city Shan State Burma 23.53 97.03 1669 1617
Suphkawn city Shan State Burma 23.53 97.03 1669 1617
Suphu city Shan State Burma 20.82 97.22 4189 10179
Suphung-rodongjagu city P'yongbuk Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 40.45 124.94 141 12906
Suphāna city Uttar Pradesh India 27.82 77.46 830 57299
Suphūpura city Uttar Pradesh India 25.82 79.04 830 39238

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