
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sulnaghat Bil city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.54 88.89 49 126127
Sulnam city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.30 127.76 830 7974
Sulneliai city Lazdijai Lithuania 54.18 23.55 830 3358
Sulneliai city Radviliskis Lithuania 55.63 23.89 285 1438
Sulnete city Ocotepeque Honduras 14.50 -89.27 3349 6398
Sulniac city Bretagne France 47.67 -2.57 413 4815
Sulnieg city Bretagne France 47.67 -2.57 413 4815
Sulnowko city Kujawsko-Pomorskie Poland 53.43 18.43 196 20015
Sulnu da Dera city Pakistan 34.38 73.60 8389 6407
Sulnun city Himachal Pradesh India 31.42 76.81 2509 32635
Sulnī Kalay city Khost Afghanistan 33.36 69.85 4189 19075
Sulnī Kêlay city Khost Afghanistan 33.36 69.85 4189 19075

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