
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Shemb Buzruk city Maharashtra India 20.71 76.28 1020 26301
Shemb Khurd city Maharashtra India 20.71 76.27 1000 26356
Shembal city Maharashtra India 20.18 78.99 830 38839
Shembati city Kayanza Burundi -3.09 29.69 5902 49516
Shembavot city Khost Afghanistan 33.37 69.74 5029 8329
Shembawot city Khost Afghanistan 33.37 69.74 5029 8329
Shembawut city Khost Afghanistan 33.37 69.74 5029 8329
Shembe city Rutana Burundi -4.06 29.96 5029 21166
Shembe city Rutana Burundi -3.93 30.15 4189 14005
Shembe city Bururi Burundi -3.91 29.59 5944 28913
Shembe city Kirundo Burundi -2.58 30.26 4448 31898
Shembe city Maniema Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.79 25.07 1994 149
Shembe city Est Rwanda -2.16 30.31 4320 31334
Shembek'it city Amara Ethiopia 12.67 37.50 8389 39941
Shembek'o city Amara Ethiopia 12.20 39.37 8389 15719
Shembekeza city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.85 38.53 3349 16239
Shembeko city Amara Ethiopia 9.92 39.87 5219 17817
Shembeko Ber city Amara Ethiopia 9.92 39.87 5219 17817
Shembek’o city Amara Ethiopia 12.20 39.37 8389 15719
Shembek’īt city Amara Ethiopia 12.67 37.50 8389 39941
Shembel city Benue Nigeria 7.16 8.95 830 16390
Shembele city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.48 18.99 1669 7152
Shembelevo city Smolenskaya Oblast' Russia 53.91 32.94 830 14863
Shembelevtsy city Grodnenskaya Oblast' Belarus 53.75 23.80 387 26645
Shember city Kazakhstan 49.32 51.98 -1689 149
Shember city Benue Nigeria 7.20 8.74 830 9031
Shember city Taraba Nigeria 7.89 9.69 830 3068
Shemberdhej i Poshtem city Elbasan Albania 40.78 20.24 1669 69
Shemberdhej i Siperme city Elbasan Albania 40.77 20.27 3349 119
Shemberevo city Vitebskaya Oblast' Belarus 54.62 30.26 830 1639
Shemberovo city Vitebskaya Oblast' Belarus 54.62 30.26 830 1639
Shemberthej i Poshtem city Elbasan Albania 40.78 20.24 1669 69
Shemberthej i Siperm city Elbasan Albania 40.77 20.27 3349 119
Shembet' city Kirovskaya Oblast' Russia 57.82 48.27 416 555
Shembetsay city Kazakhstan 49.90 47.38 141 149
Shembet’ city Kirovskaya Oblast' Russia 57.82 48.27 416 555
Shembhu Bigha city Bihar India 24.91 84.13 328 242378
Shembilli city Elbasan Albania 41.11 19.99 1669 30572
Shembire city Yobe Nigeria 11.40 11.26 1669 6097
Shembire city Yobe Nigeria 11.34 11.26 1669 6109
Shembire city Yobe Nigeria 11.30 11.21 1669 6109
Shembo city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.57 37.10 8389 28088
Shembo city Junin Peru -10.86 -73.71 964 149
Shemborash city Tatarstan Russia 55.73 50.60 830 1089
Shembra city Karnataka India 13.37 74.78 65 108519
Shembu city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.57 37.10 8389 28088
Shembuli city Rach'a-Lechkhumi da Kvemo Svaneti Georgia 42.50 43.63 5869 325
Shembulu city Nigeria 9.82 12.15 830 5215

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