
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Seontaltic city Chiapas Mexico 16.08 -91.85 5029 5215
Seontara city Uttar Pradesh India 26.71 79.59 830 73018
Seonteo city Daegu Korea, Republic of (South) 35.79 128.50 413 368377
Seontha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.23 81.16 354 74649
Seontha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.36 81.59 249 88091
Seontha city Himachal Pradesh India 31.84 76.24 1669 44789
Seontha city Himachal Pradesh India 31.83 76.25 1669 40865
Seonthal city Himachal Pradesh India 30.88 77.11 4232 50975
Seonthi city Uttar Pradesh India 26.35 81.29 367 63494
Seonti city Haryana India 29.99 76.99 830 60320
Seontola city Maharashtra India 21.21 80.15 948 25351
Seontteum city Daegu Korea, Republic of (South) 35.93 128.69 830 192652

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