
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Peiya city Sichuan China 28.54 100.18 11748 447
Peiya city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.49 -11.21 1227 16162
Peiyan city Guizhou China 25.80 109.14 2509 14744
Peiyang city Xizang China 31.68 79.79 13503 0
Peiyang city Guangxi China 25.50 108.75 4189 11218
Peiye city Nigeria 7.47 4.02 830 59386
Peiyeng city Lakes South Sudan 7.04 30.09 1669 1788
Peiying city Henan China 35.94 115.09 104 114891
Peiying city Henan China 32.83 111.82 830 28539
Peiyingcun city Jilin China 42.88 125.45 1135 7702
Peiyinshan city Guangdong China 23.91 116.62 2552 62035
Peiyu city Henan China 34.82 112.95 830 84732
Peiyuan city Zhejiang China 29.05 118.23 830 14085
Peiyuan city Anhui China 29.88 118.15 1669 11324
Peiyuan city Jiangxi China 28.53 117.22 301 25542
Peiyuan city Yunnan China 26.73 100.42 8635 6310
Peiyuan city Sichuan China 31.02 105.17 1669 41829
Peiyuandui city Hainan China 19.44 109.43 830 27423
Peiyuansi city Hunan China 27.04 112.66 331 42007
Peiyān city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.61 75.34 2509 26939

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