
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nyum Nyum city Western Bahr el Ghazal South Sudan 7.96 26.08 2027 0
Nyumaga city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.55 28.28 1207 10277
Nyumaga city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.58 28.24 1200 4505
Nyumba city Sud Rwanda -2.66 29.69 5423 60081
Nyumba city Central Zambia -15.17 26.37 4189 894
Nyumbe city Benue Nigeria 7.04 8.47 830 11823
Nyumbu city Malawi -13.36 34.07 2670 13481
Nyumbu city Western Zambia -14.92 22.55 3369 894
Nyumbu city Eastern Zambia -14.02 32.77 3349 4078
Nyumbwe city Central Zambia -15.17 26.37 4189 894
Nyume city Bong Liberia 7.13 -9.35 1076 447
Nyumplung city Jawa Barat Indonesia -6.39 107.09 377 136696
Nyumput city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.20 107.80 3599 175412
Nyumululu city Mtwara Tanzania, United Rep. of -10.80 38.52 872 5364
Nyumyd city Komi Russia 61.17 52.85 830 149

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