
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ngomba city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.35 29.07 2693 3057
Ngomba city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.19 21.21 1669 2533
Ngomba city Mbeya Tanzania, United Rep. of -9.33 32.98 4189 6815
Ngomba city Mbeya Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.38 32.88 2601 828
Ngomba city Kiruhura Uganda 0.15 30.65 4189 10131
Ngomba city Western Zambia -17.25 25.08 2844 592
Ngomba city Western Zambia -14.97 22.38 3349 894
Ngomba city Western Zambia -14.65 23.10 3398 447
Ngombak city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.18 110.62 400 42914
Ngombakan city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.63 110.86 396 290279
Ngomban city Centre Cameroon 4.23 11.78 1909 2533
Ngombani city Kwale Kenya -4.40 39.12 830 7708
Ngombas city Centre Cameroon 3.58 11.17 1840 1798
Ngombas city Centre Cameroon 3.57 11.15 1669 1807
Ngombawasse city Littoral Cameroon 4.06 9.51 3 9955
Ngombe city Malanje Angola -8.86 17.08 2509 1639
Ngombe city Uige Angola -6.01 15.16 3349 2235
Ngombe city Uige Angola -6.87 14.97 2660 2235
Ngombe city Uige Angola -6.96 14.82 2004 2235
Ngombe city Uige Angola -7.47 15.23 4189 2090
Ngombe city Uige Angola -6.88 15.51 3398 2235
Ngombe city Bengo Angola -8.51 14.43 2007 2533
Ngombe city Malanje Angola -8.67 17.55 2073 1602
Ngombe city Kwanza Norte Angola -9.29 14.79 2020 2533
Ngombe city Bengo Angola -9.88 13.73 830 0
Ngombe city Kwanza Sul Angola -10.18 14.64 3349 1937
Ngombe city Malanje Angola -10.94 18.07 4399 1639
Ngombe city Kwanza Sul Angola -10.19 15.64 4189 1937
Ngombe city Kwanza Sul Angola -10.68 14.03 305 1937
Ngombe city Kwanza Sul Angola -10.66 14.32 2509 1937
Ngombe city Kwanza Sul Angola -10.94 14.36 2929 1937
Ngombe city Huila Angola -14.72 16.08 5029 0
Ngombe city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -10.00 22.75 3412 1
Ngombe city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.90 24.70 2782 298
Ngombe city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.20 24.15 3349 1043
Ngombe city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.58 20.70 1735 3725
Ngombe city Kinshasa Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.40 15.18 830 46307
Ngombe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.40 27.69 2509 4470
Ngombe city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.65 15.23 2080 4321
Ngombe city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -0.86 22.74 1669 1043
Ngombe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.00 18.03 2755 298
Ngombe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.41 23.87 3395 298
Ngombe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -10.59 23.01 3503 0
Ngombe city Kasai Oriental Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.92 23.63 2716 3278
Ngombe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.22 22.43 3349 298
Ngombe city Littoral Cameroon 4.22 9.78 3 1592
Ngombe city West Cameroon 5.56 10.93 4189 4917
Ngombe city Central African Republic 5.64 16.06 2509 0
Ngombe city Lilongwe Malawi -14.20 33.67 3746 27949
Ngombe city Dowa Malawi -13.68 33.60 4189 27079
Ngombe city Ntchisi Malawi -13.40 33.98 4356 12833
Ngombe city Ntchisi Malawi -13.37 34.08 2716 14613
Ngombe city Malawi -13.36 33.87 4409 23819
Ngombe city Sofala Mozambique -17.83 34.35 830 1937
Ngombe city Mpigi Uganda -0.08 32.05 3720 10717
Ngombe city Eastern Zambia -13.75 32.30 3349 3576
Ngombe city Eastern Zambia -13.72 31.78 2716 3576
Ngombe city Eastern Zambia -13.45 32.82 4189 4174
Ngombe city Muchinga Zambia -11.64 31.81 4547 873
Ngombe Akou city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 4.92 9.72 3349 5026
Ngombe Aku city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 4.92 9.72 3349 5026
Ngombe Caculo city Bengo Angola -8.70 14.70 2007 2533
Ngombe Calomba city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.29 15.30 3395 2533
Ngombe Capele city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.71 15.23 3349 2533
Ngombe Iá Quimenga city Bengo Angola -8.68 14.72 2509 2533
Ngombe Likeza city Ruvuma Tanzania, United Rep. of -11.45 34.93 1669 2953
Ngombe Mandugi city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.32 15.46 4189 2533
Ngombe Ndua city Bengo Angola -8.72 14.83 2814 2533
Ngombe Zulo city Uige Angola -6.25 15.08 3349 2235
Ngombe de Bula city Bengo Angola -8.71 14.81 2841 2533
Ngombe do Nzombo city Bengo Angola -8.57 14.24 2063 157
Ngombe do Nzombo city Bengo Angola -8.59 14.28 1758 380
Ngombe do Piri city Bengo Angola -8.48 14.45 1994 2533
Ngombe ia Muquiama city Bengo Angola -8.64 14.39 1879 2148
Ngombe iá Quibaxi city Bengo Angola -8.60 14.50 2660 2533
Ngombe iá Tumba city Malanje Angola -7.89 17.25 1945 1639
Ngombe-Muana city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.62 21.58 2034 2235
Ngombe-Niama city Kasai Oriental Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.37 24.44 2604 2235
Ngombe-ia-Ngombe city Zaire Angola -6.13 14.46 2020 894
Ngombe-ya-Tumba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.76 17.43 2509 2082
Ngombemongo city Western Zambia -15.35 23.13 3349 2480
Ngombende city Dowa Malawi -13.57 33.92 4566 14611
Ngombengo city Malawi -14.35 34.03 4189 33140
Ngombeni city Kwale Kenya -4.13 39.63 68 106664
Ngombezi city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.17 38.42 1000 52068
Ngombi city Malanje Angola -7.80 17.33 1755 1723
Ngombi city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.66 17.38 2509 2533
Ngombi city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.67 17.41 2509 2533
Ngombi city Littoral Cameroon 3.62 9.99 3 1341
Ngombi city Ngounie Gabon -1.62 10.90 830 225
Ngombi city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.83 36.80 1909 0
Ngombo city Kwanza Sul Angola -11.48 14.42 2509 1937
Ngombo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.30 30.80 4189 13013
Ngombo city Maniema Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.58 27.24 3349 298
Ngombo city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 4.92 9.72 3349 5026
Ngombo city West Cameroon 5.78 10.42 4189 21072
Ngombo city Malawi -11.76 34.12 2007 6013
Ngombo city Malawi -11.72 34.15 1784 7010
Ngombo city Ruvuma Tanzania, United Rep. of -11.52 34.98 3349 4871
Ngombo city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.87 35.97 853 0
Ngombo city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.83 36.05 830 0
Ngombo city Western Zambia -14.63 22.38 3372 894
Ngombo Aku city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 4.92 9.72 3349 5026
Ngomboku city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 4.92 9.72 3349 5026
Ngombol city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.87 109.98 3 37338
Ngombol city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.83 109.96 36 67262
Ngombol city Thies Senegal 14.55 -17.06 32 24492
Ngombola city Western Zambia -14.21 24.93 4189 556
Ngombombeng city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 4.91 9.71 2890 4836
Ngomboredjo city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.36 112.65 29 307358
Ngomborejo city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.36 112.65 29 307358
Ngombou city Central African Republic 5.64 16.06 2509 0
Ngomboulou city Pool Congo -4.49 14.78 1669 1941
Ngombé city Sangha Congo 1.43 16.15 1118 0
Ngombé city Cuvette Congo -0.86 17.19 987 149
Ngombé city Congo 0.37 16.99 1118 78
Ngombé city Cuvette Congo 0.05 16.10 1030 149
Ngombé city Central African Republic 4.16 22.44 1669 1220
Ngombé city Central African Republic 4.13 22.36 1669 4489
Ngombé I city Centre Cameroon 4.78 13.15 2063 639
Ngombé II city Centre Cameroon 4.77 13.17 2057 665

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