
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Muie city Moxico Angola -14.36 20.41 4189 298
Muiemba city Zambezia Mozambique -18.64 36.31 39 7003
Muiembe city Zambezia Mozambique -18.64 36.31 39 7003
Muiemua city Zambezia Mozambique -16.82 37.88 354 1043
Muienga city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.72 24.56 3349 1043
Muierusul city Dolj Romania 44.57 23.68 830 4736
Muieruşu city Dolj Romania 44.57 23.68 830 4736
Muieu city Lunda Norte Angola -8.16 19.12 3723 447
Muieuva city Moxico Angola -14.42 21.93 3467 298
Muieva city Zambezia Mozambique -17.10 37.80 203 4169

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