
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Muhe city Malanje Angola -9.59 17.10 4189 1639
Muhe city Guangxi China 23.72 110.86 928 24358
Muhe city Gaza Mozambique -22.64 32.78 305 149
Muheda city Shinyanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.65 32.55 4189 5960
Muhedipur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.85 81.60 337 75368
Muhehwe city Ouest Rwanda -2.63 28.98 5029 55639
Muhehwe city Ouest Rwanda -2.64 28.98 5029 55710
Muheicun city Yunnan China 27.55 105.02 5269 33823
Muheila city White Nile Sudan 14.22 32.15 1669 1717
Muheila city Sennar Sudan 12.98 33.83 1669 16134
Muheila city Sennar Sudan 12.47 34.23 1669 1695
Muheila city Blue Nile Sudan 12.22 34.50 1669 1283
Muheiriya city Wasit Iraq 32.27 45.92 42 2384
Muheita city White Nile Sudan 14.22 32.15 1669 1717
Muheka city Bururi Burundi -3.87 29.57 5879 23238
Muhela city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -10.03 23.03 3349 0
Muhela city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.21 29.77 4251 0
Muhele city Dodoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.90 35.48 3349 4470
Muheli city Nord-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -0.90 28.70 4189 1192
Muhema city Kavango West Namibia -18.15 18.97 4189 447
Muhemba city Sud-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.93 28.76 3349 2053
Muhembe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -10.65 23.56 3576 0
Muhembe city Sud Rwanda -2.62 29.66 6932 54348
Muhembe city Sud Rwanda -2.53 29.55 5908 42055
Muhembe city Sud Rwanda -2.34 29.45 6217 28487
Muhembei city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -10.65 23.56 3576 0
Muhembo city Botswana -18.30 21.80 3349 757
Muhembo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.37 19.40 2030 2295
Muhembo city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.40 38.98 3 3216
Muheme city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.74 22.20 3576 298
Muhemed city Kirkuk Iraq 35.30 44.04 830 12033
Muhemed Reban city Ninawa Iraq 36.96 42.51 977 4202
Muhemedi city Dahuk Iraq 37.16 42.68 1669 4619
Muhemuna city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.67 14.00 1669 4321
Muhen city Guangxi China 24.07 108.24 1824 12516
Muhen city Aargau Switzerland 47.34 8.05 1669 49880
Muhenda city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.18 36.93 1984 3725
Muhende city Lunda Norte Angola -8.40 17.73 2509 447
Muhendu city Nord Rwanda -1.62 29.85 6830 62169
Muhene city Ruyigi Burundi -3.57 30.21 5068 13783
Muhenga city Bubanza Burundi -3.03 29.33 4189 36195
Muhenga city Bubanza Burundi -3.08 29.31 4189 30102
Muhengchong city Guangxi China 24.74 111.19 2509 21982
Muhenja city Ngozi Burundi -2.85 30.02 5869 48692
Muheno city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.13 19.85 1991 4470
Muher city Madhya Pradesh India 24.19 82.59 1669 40983
Muher city Madhya Pradesh India 24.17 82.59 1669 47138
Muher city Madhya Pradesh India 24.17 82.58 1669 46280
Muhera city Karuzi Burundi -3.27 30.15 5095 20538
Muhero city Kirundo Burundi -2.53 30.10 4570 40740
Muhero city Sud Rwanda -2.40 29.93 5029 42259
Muhero city Sud Rwanda -2.52 29.63 5869 59908
Muhero city Nord Rwanda -1.55 30.15 5419 37630
Muherr city Diber Albania 41.68 20.33 1755 6854
Muhesha city Qinghai China 35.43 101.95 9383 2394
Muhesi Airport airport -6.14 34.46 4300 0
Muhesse city Lunda Sul Angola -10.38 19.35 4448 298
Muheta city Sud Rwanda -1.92 29.70 6896 52359
Muheta city Nord Rwanda -1.58 29.66 5869 77291
Muheta city North-Western Zambia -13.48 22.03 3507 648
Muhetani city Inhambane Mozambique -22.85 33.86 334 306
Muhetian city Yunnan China 25.52 104.37 5869 21663
Muheto city Lunda Norte Angola -8.54 17.73 2509 447
Muheto city Malanje Angola -8.14 17.47 2509 1634
Muheto city Malanje Angola -8.84 17.17 2509 1639
Muheto city Lunda Norte Angola -8.90 17.60 2509 703
Muheto city Malanje Angola -9.02 16.18 3743 1639
Muheto city North-Western Zambia -13.48 22.03 3507 648
Muheto city North-Western Zambia -13.15 22.45 3490 745
Muhetsi city Kirundo Burundi -2.54 30.23 5200 28108
Muhetsi city Kirundo Burundi -2.60 30.25 4471 33086
Muhetun city Heilongjiang China 49.37 126.03 984 894
Muheuanhe city Nampula Mozambique -15.00 38.38 1998 2235
Muheweza city Bururi Burundi -3.96 29.85 6709 17626
Muheyta Bota city Afar Ethiopia 10.95 40.28 3349 2185
Muheza city Kagera Tanzania, United Rep. of -2.58 30.54 5869 9387
Muheza city Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.92 37.82 1669 1457
Muheza city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.17 38.78 859 8940
Muheza city Kilimanjaro Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.32 37.85 2759 3725

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