
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mope city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 1.82 25.55 1669 745
Mope city Kogi Nigeria 8.10 5.89 1056 5960
Mopeia city Zambezia Mozambique -17.98 35.70 118 1490
Mopeia Velha city Zambezia Mozambique -17.98 35.70 118 1490
Mopein city Kachin State Burma 24.32 97.28 374 10559
Mopelis city Free State South Africa -28.55 28.87 5869 117937
Mopembé city Sangha Congo 2.17 16.09 1118 240
Mopende city Southern Sierra Leone 7.71 -11.95 75 6557
Mopendi city Southern Sierra Leone 7.71 -11.95 75 6557
Mopene city Inhambane Mozambique -21.90 34.10 830 592
Mopeng city Yunnan China 23.48 101.88 4589 3844
Mopengif city Southern Sierra Leone 7.40 -12.48 55 1038
Mopeni city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.29 17.02 1942 2533
Mopenifa city Nigeria 6.68 3.60 216 33602
Mopeo city Nampula Mozambique -14.85 39.45 1033 1313
Mopepa-Lobo city Sangha Congo 1.13 15.78 1167 0
Mopertingen city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.86 5.58 298 22521
Mopetu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.53 -12.60 39 1932
Mopetu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.50 -12.64 9 2663
Mopetu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.44 -12.37 52 3946

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