
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Molisa city Western Zambia -15.32 22.68 3480 894
Molisar Bara city Rajasthan India 28.18 74.82 1020 14535
Molisar Chhota city Rajasthan India 28.16 74.81 1017 15422
Molischen city Karlovarsky Kraj Czech Republic 50.30 13.18 1696 2636
Molise city Molise Italy 41.63 14.48 2536 4178
Moliset city Bistrita-Nasaud Romania 47.45 24.13 1669 1562
Molisetitanya city Bistrita-Nasaud Romania 47.45 24.13 1669 1562
Molish city Lorestan Iran 33.06 48.89 5344 1355
Molishak city Lorestan Iran 33.06 48.89 5344 1355
Molisho city Nord-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.11 27.36 2509 1171
Molisht city Berat Albania 40.59 19.93 1669 12806
Molishti city Berat Albania 40.59 19.93 1669 12806

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