
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Meiga city Valgamaa Estonia 57.64 26.30 177 298
Meiga city Valgamaa Estonia 57.80 26.38 150 532
Meigach Mada city Gedo Somalia 2.72 42.25 1062 756
Meigag Gifa city Sumale Ethiopia 7.70 45.50 2509 894
Meigan city Sichuan China 27.87 102.85 7549 8400
Meigancun city Anhui China 30.82 119.20 114 15496
Meigancun city Guangdong China 24.30 116.10 259 64711
Meiganda city Adamaoua Cameroon 6.52 14.30 3349 56790
Meigang city Jiangxi China 26.92 115.08 193 16299
Meigang city Jiangxi China 25.84 115.91 1200 12218
Meigang city Jiangxi China 26.66 114.74 259 13202
Meigang city Hubei China 29.56 114.51 288 108444
Meigang city Jiangxi China 25.87 115.96 830 12218
Meigang city Taoyuan Taiwan 24.92 121.15 830 114015
Meigang city Zhanghua Taiwan 23.98 120.57 104 157772
Meigangcun city Jiangxi China 26.50 116.02 830 156294
Meigangli city Hebei China 39.93 119.63 13 59791
Meigangxu city Hunan China 25.47 111.79 830 33429
Meigangxu city Hubei China 29.51 114.33 1233 16606
Meigao city Jiangxi China 28.33 117.86 272 24366
Meigao city Guizhou China 25.61 108.12 3349 4470
Meigar city Madang Papua New Guinea -4.82 145.77 3 644
Meige city Guangdong China 22.25 113.15 32 11809
Meige city Guangdong China 23.80 114.98 1040 9232
Meige city Guizhou China 25.71 107.81 2910 11146
Meige city Yunnan China 26.74 100.38 4488 6051
Meigechong city Yunnan China 23.46 102.77 5869 12573
Meigelshof city Plzensky Kraj Czech Republic 49.42 12.84 1669 3011
Meigelsried city Bayern Germany 49.32 12.49 2024 3190
Meigem city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.02 3.54 26 26807
Meigemheide city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.75 4.32 295 107773
Meigemhoek city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.00 3.58 29 42494
Meigen city Guangxi China 22.68 108.98 262 25086
Meigen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.17 7.10 830 146865
Meigeng city Guizhou China 25.86 109.27 1253 19106
Meigente city Galicia Spain 42.79 -7.47 1955 4529
Meigh city Newry, Mourne and Down United Kingdom 54.12 -6.38 318 7708
Meighen city West Virginia United States 39.78 -80.72 889
Meigiamle city Al Hudaydah Yemen 14.60 43.33 278 15351
Meigle city Limpopo South Africa -24.78 28.53 3677 168
Meigle city Perth and Kinross United Kingdom 56.58 -3.15 219 0
Meigne city Pays de la Loire France 47.51 0.19 301 1667
Meigne city Pays de la Loire France 47.23 -0.21 219 3633
Meigne-le-Vicomte city Pays de la Loire France 47.51 0.19 301 1667
Meigneux city Picardie France 49.77 1.89 830 1839
Meigneux city Ile-de-France France 48.51 3.10 830 4849
Meigneville city Centre-Val de Loire France 48.27 1.52 830 1998
Meigong city Fujian China 24.81 117.93 830 43357
Meigongqiao city Jiangsu China 31.28 119.10 36 32482
Meigou city Henan China 33.81 115.45 108 90160
Meigou city Henan China 33.80 111.06 3349 9089
Meigounao city Henan China 33.95 111.20 4396 9824
Meigouying city Beijing China 40.11 116.63 59 165572
Meigs city Georgia United States 31.07 -84.09 351
Meigs city Ohio United States 39.17 -81.90 830
Meigs city Ohio United States 39.69 -81.78 830
Meigs Cabin Area city Tennessee United States 35.69 -84.71 839
Meigs on the River city Ohio United States 41.55 -83.65 830
Meigu city Sichuan China 28.33 103.13 7549 8046
Meigu Linchang city Fujian China 26.18 118.62 1961 5046
Meiguan city Hainan China 19.78 110.55 216 20890
Meiguancun city Guangdong China 25.32 114.32 895 11771
Meigudi city Yunnan China 27.63 100.44 5869 4761
Meigui city Guangxi China 23.01 107.92 223 73500
Meigui city Guangxi China 24.67 111.82 830 19966
Meigui Siwan city Hubei China 30.93 114.93 144 95848
Meiguozhuang city Hebei China 38.71 115.89 49 67759
Meigutang city Hunan China 27.96 112.02 830 47860

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