
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mbum city Equatorial Guinea 1.99 11.25 1669 3129
Mbum city Equatorial Guinea 1.93 11.17 1669 3129
Mbuma city Soloman Islands -8.97 160.75 68 1626
Mbuma city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.54 24.84 1886 160
Mbuma city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.66 15.26 2509 4321
Mbuma city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.47 14.19 1669 4321
Mbuma city Fiji -16.82 -179.87 72 887
Mbuma city Western Zambia -15.15 23.77 3579 2384
Mbuma Hamtamnya city Borno Nigeria 10.47 12.24 1748 9827
Mbuma Kogu city Borno Nigeria 10.47 12.23 1748 9812
Mbumb city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.12 22.60 2903 298
Mbumba city Huambo Angola -12.19 15.08 5869 5632
Mbumba city Malanje Angola -8.27 17.49 2509 1624
Mbumba city Malanje Angola -9.02 17.15 2509 1639
Mbumba city Lunda Sul Angola -10.56 21.33 3484 298
Mbumba city Bie Angola -11.81 17.14 5869 2533
Mbumba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.06 21.95 2509 3087
Mbumba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.50 23.90 3569 298
Mbumba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.79 23.04 3349 298
Mbumba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.57 23.14 3487 298
Mbumba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.32 23.71 3599 662
Mbumba city Western Zambia -14.65 23.95 4189 596
Mbumba Caginga city Lunda Norte Angola -9.66 17.48 2549 1278
Mbumba Caginga city Lunda Norte Angola -9.53 17.58 2834 447
Mbumba Jelombe city Huambo Angola -12.54 15.72 5029 5811
Mbumba Kanzi city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.89 12.53 62 2448
Mbumba Nienze city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.91 12.47 52 7764
Mbumba Tumba city Lunda Norte Angola -9.65 17.90 3349 447
Mbumbalo city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -0.20 28.74 4570 7599
Mbumbasi city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.68 29.20 5029 4563
Mbumbatsa city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.81 28.73 3576 5872
Mbumbazi city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.68 29.20 5029 4563
Mbumbe city Zaire Angola -5.88 13.62 830 1922
Mbumbi city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.05 14.90 1932 7897
Mbumbi city Kavango East Namibia -18.37 19.92 3536 419
Mbumbi city Kavango West Namibia -17.47 18.47 3622 230
Mbumbi city Western Zambia -15.65 23.30 3421 745
Mbumbilungu city Maniema Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.11 27.14 2936 1043
Mbumbu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.76 22.04 3349 298
Mbumbua city Huambo Angola -13.05 15.59 5869 5811
Mbumbualala city Soloman Islands -9.62 160.43 875 894
Mbumbughoro city Soloman Islands -9.60 160.33 987 894
Mbumbui city Equatorial Guinea 1.90 10.71 1669 0
Mbumbui city Equatorial Guinea 2.12 10.40 977 1890
Mbumbukati city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.77 18.49 1669 7152
Mbumbukembe city Soloman Islands -9.65 160.40 1669 894
Mbumbukolo city Soloman Islands -9.72 160.40 2050 894
Mbumbukuana city Soloman Islands -6.74 156.68 9 514
Mbumbukuma city Soloman Islands -9.68 160.12 2509 894
Mbumbulonga city Soloman Islands -9.76 160.59 1669 894
Mbumbulonga city Soloman Islands -9.75 160.22 2089 894
Mbumbumaraho city Soloman Islands -9.64 160.46 1669 894
Mbumbunamo city Soloman Islands -9.82 160.41 1669 831
Mbumbuni city Makueni Kenya -1.62 37.56 4412 21241
Mbumbunuhu city Soloman Islands -9.63 160.38 951 894
Mbumbupanapana city Soloman Islands -9.73 160.63 875 865
Mbumburu city Soloman Islands -9.43 159.93 121 61765
Mbumbutasi city Soloman Islands -9.72 160.59 1010 894
Mbumbutasi city Soloman Islands -9.64 160.36 935 894
Mbumi city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.91 39.21 29 1937
Mbumnga city Adamawa Nigeria 10.01 13.07 1669 6681
Mbumto city Nord-Ouest Cameroon 5.94 10.63 4189 9810
Mbumwae city Western Zambia -15.42 23.35 3500 2087
Mbumwae city Western Zambia -14.95 22.35 3372 894
Mbumwaye city Western Zambia -15.33 22.92 3366 2158

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