
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mbor city Adamaoua Cameroon 6.40 11.32 2696 1788
Mbor city Nord Cameroon 9.52 13.68 987 5215
Mbor city Cross River Nigeria 6.86 8.79 830 11696
Mbora city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.55 120.39 3349 58767
Mbora city Taraba Nigeria 7.46 10.72 3349 3874
Mbora city Cross River Nigeria 6.38 8.47 347 17514
Mbora city Kavango West Namibia -17.93 19.42 3553 447
Mboranaho city Soloman Islands -9.72 160.48 2024 894
Mborandaho city Soloman Islands -9.72 160.48 2024 894
Mborati city Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 5.16 -3.15 255 5450
Mbordao city Far North Cameroon 10.56 14.68 1095 5783
Mbore city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.57 119.97 1669 6224
Mbore city Kavango West Namibia -17.93 19.42 3553 447
Mborevi city Misiones Argentina -26.07 -54.52 889 891
Mborguene city Est Cameroon 5.73 14.27 3592 745
Mborgéné city Est Cameroon 4.70 14.28 2509 1341
Mborhodofe city Kaolack Senegal 14.23 -16.32 22 21410
Mboriane city Tillaberi Niger 13.84 3.00 830 5064
Mborichi city Imo Nigeria 5.36 6.95 830 22308
Mborija city Korce Albania 40.60 20.80 4189 53080
Mborindang city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 3.18 98.32 3349 18744
Mborine city Thies Senegal 15.10 -16.68 150 20988
Mboringo city Soloman Islands -8.48 157.41 0 471
Mborja city Korce Albania 40.60 20.80 4189 53080
Mborje city Korce Albania 40.60 20.80 4189 53080
Mborje city Kukes Albania 42.02 20.59 4494 5613
Mborko city Benin 9.19 1.74 1033 894
Mborla-Dioulasso city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 8.47 -4.48 997 1043
Mbormo city Central African Republic 5.62 16.17 2575 0
Mborna city Northern Sierra Leone 9.04 -13.16 144 9263
Mbornut city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 3.50 97.79 830 9836
Mboro city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.35 30.58 5869 18625
Mboro city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 1.75 27.85 2089 1314
Mboro city Central African Republic 4.76 17.20 2509 1192
Mboro city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.81 111.98 331 300826
Mboro city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -9.55 119.02 200 19860
Mboro city Western Bahr el Ghazal South Sudan 7.26 27.85 1669 0
Mboro city Lakes South Sudan 6.30 28.74 1669 1890
Mboro city Thies Senegal 15.14 -16.90 124 12378
Mboro Kandio city Thies Senegal 15.16 -16.92 95 8531
Mboro Kidul city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.81 111.98 383 300826
Mboro Lor city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.81 111.97 370 255938
Mboro-sur-Mer city Thies Senegal 15.17 -16.91 98 7857
Mborogo city Central African Republic 6.23 21.98 1755 0
Mborohinamba city Soloman Islands -9.03 160.26 6 2296
Mborokoko city Soloman Islands -9.44 160.38 13 548
Mborokou city Littoral Cameroon 5.06 9.89 4517 3104
Mborola-Banbarasso city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 8.47 -4.49 997 1043
Mborola-Dioulasso city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 8.47 -4.48 997 1043
Mboroma city Central Zambia -14.08 30.03 2509 745
Mboroma city Central Zambia -14.37 29.37 3592 745
Mboromole city Soloman Islands -9.07 160.30 59 2623
Mboron city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 8.25 -4.03 830 1907
Mborong city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.81 120.61 830 11953
Mborong city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.44 121.13 108 3023
Mboroni city Soloman Islands -8.97 160.08 3 934
Mborono city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 8.25 -4.03 830 1907
Mboronsa city Central Zambia -14.08 30.02 2595 745
Mborora city Far North Cameroon 10.29 14.39 1669 4172
Mbororo city Tandjile Chad 9.05 15.92 1669 5602
Mbororo city Far North Cameroon 10.68 14.84 1043 5811
Mbororo city Adamawa Nigeria 10.65 13.45 1791 24644
Mborosavila city Soloman Islands -9.73 160.58 1066 894
Mborossi city Sud Cameroon 2.57 11.30 1669 894
Mborou city Lagunes Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 5.59 -4.36 236 5395
Mborowa city Borno Nigeria 10.84 11.77 1669 5352
Mbors city Fier Albania 40.69 19.75 830 14381
Mboruk Barat city Jawa Timur Indonesia -6.94 113.21 370 55046
Mboruk Timur city Jawa Timur Indonesia -6.94 113.21 347 55297

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