
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Goim city Aveiro Portugal 40.94 -8.44 1200 34346
Goima city Gujarat India 20.44 73.04 124 30524
Goima city Dodoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.10 36.02 5029 3725
Goimenen city Bayern Germany 47.63 10.63 2818 4686
Goimi city Dagestan Russia 42.23 47.20 5869 2457
Goimil city Galicia Spain 43.32 -8.15 387 8824
Goimo city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.94 110.86 830 35310
Goimo city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.32 111.81 830 23785
Goimpy city Centre-Val de Loire France 48.42 1.75 830 5353
Goimurj city Odisha India 20.31 82.72 830 27001

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