
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Eifa city Hessen Germany 50.96 8.58 1669 5835
Eifa city Hessen Germany 50.75 9.35 1003 14107
Eifa city Central Papua New Guinea -8.53 147.47 5029 596
Eiferskraal city Western Cape South Africa -34.28 21.72 853 149
Eifersloh city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.66 8.80 908 16436
Eiferslohn city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.66 8.80 908 16436
Eiffel city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.62 27.38 3671 5183
Eiffel city Mashonaland West Zimbabwe -18.28 29.99 4189 32105
Eiffel Flats city Mashonaland West Zimbabwe -18.29 29.99 4189 34594
Eiffelton city New Zealand -44.03 171.68 196 149
Eiffie city Idaho United States 44.03 -116.92 2509
Eifield (historical) city Iowa United States 41.41 -93.03 830
Eifort city Ohio United States 38.83 -82.65 830
Eifuku city Tokyo Japan 35.68 139.64 131 1580010
Eifuku city Hyogo Japan 34.91 135.09 830 13598
Eifuku-ri city Jeonnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.58 126.80 36 7308

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