
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Donāil city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.93 88.93 59 127653
Donāla Moriān city Pakistan 34.21 73.94 7020 4321
Donālahgak city Daykundi Afghanistan 33.87 66.57 8389 3129
Donāli city Balochistan Pakistan 30.83 68.84 5029 2235
Donāra city Maharashtra India 20.02 79.95 830 19881
Donāri city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.44 73.95 7831 23319
Donāri city Pakistan 34.97 74.36 10068 6407
Donārkāndi city Bangladesh 23.05 90.14 9 118027
Donāsāgar city Chhattisgarh India 22.35 82.10 1023 15660

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