
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dokya city Madhya Pradesh India 21.88 77.79 2043 13708
Dokyaik city Bago Burma 17.72 95.70 29 28124
Dokyaik city Ayeyawady Burma 17.58 95.28 29 65602
Dokyerol city Adamawa Nigeria 9.29 12.02 830 7748
Dokyi city Ghana 6.14 -0.65 1669 12710
Dokyikurom city Ghana 7.67 -2.15 830 3725
Dokyo-do city Hwangbuk Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.56 125.73 98 172250
Dokyoji city Chiba Japan 35.45 140.22 331 65114
Dokyovtsi city Pernik Bulgaria 42.65 22.60 3349 754

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