
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dokrai city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.94 71.82 3349 25344
Dokri city Himachal Pradesh India 31.28 77.50 8389 19345
Dokri city Uttar Pradesh India 27.46 81.48 383 57055
Dokri city Bihar India 24.64 84.57 830 65209
Dokri city Sindh Pakistan 27.37 68.10 131 27998
Dokri city Sindh Pakistan 26.95 68.19 124 43210
Dokri Rakha city Uttar Pradesh India 27.47 81.50 387 57054
Dokriakheri city Madhya Pradesh India 24.13 77.04 1669 27833
Dokridih city Chhattisgarh India 21.64 82.77 830 28127
Dokrighat city Madhya Pradesh India 22.08 80.45 2509 12367
Dokrighāt city Odisha India 18.52 82.90 3690 16665
Dokriguda city Odisha India 18.56 82.92 3349 16629
Dokrikul city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.93 89.18 65 122031
Dokrio city Guera Chad 12.15 17.65 1040 599
Dokripura city Madhya Pradesh India 22.46 78.12 1236 7003
Dokriputtu city Odisha India 18.59 82.79 3349 16596
Dokripād city Andhra Pradesh India 18.41 82.85 3503 15353
Dokripāda city Odisha India 18.59 82.40 2595 16611
Dokrj city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.44 75.55 8389 298
Dokro city Sindh Pakistan 25.49 69.47 19 15581
Dokro city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 35.62 73.12 11331 8046
Dokrochiwa city Ghana 5.93 -0.52 830 19519
Dokroi city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 35.20 73.45 8602 8046
Dokrokyewa city Ghana 5.93 -0.52 830 19519
Dokrowoba city Ghana 6.02 -1.72 830 23829
Dokrubonga city Ghana 9.32 -0.80 830 40683
Dokrupe city Ghana 8.95 -2.29 944 1192
Dokrīkhera city Madhya Pradesh India 22.69 78.32 1122 20111
Dokrīkhera city Madhya Pradesh India 22.66 78.38 1197 22324

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