
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Doiranli city Anatoliki Makedonia kai Thraki Greece 41.00 24.65 45 6353
Doirantsi city Shumen Bulgaria 43.62 27.17 892 3689
Doirantsi city Kardzhali Bulgaria 41.72 25.22 1669 3958
Doiranzi city Shumen Bulgaria 43.62 27.17 892 3689
Doiras city Asturias Spain 43.39 -6.83 830 1483
Doire city Derry and Strabane United Kingdom 55.00 -7.31 150 32075
Doire Abhla city Offaly Ireland 53.26 -7.65 242 1418
Doire Beag city Offaly Ireland 53.19 -7.71 239 1738
Doire Bhoithe city Mayo Ireland 53.82 -9.06 219 1971
Doire Buí city Newry, Mourne and Down United Kingdom 54.43 -5.72 104 6573
Doire Chalgaigh city Derry and Strabane United Kingdom 55.00 -7.31 150 32075
Doire Chaochain city Causeway Coast and Glens United Kingdom 55.13 -6.48 137 4739
Doire Chaol city Galway Ireland 53.04 -8.72 232 650
Doire Chasáin city Donegal Ireland 55.21 -7.85 246 1038
Doire Chearráin city Offaly Ireland 53.30 -7.95 196 1178
Doire Chod city Offaly Ireland 53.31 -7.02 259 5701
Doire Choirb city Mayo Ireland 54.21 -9.93 39 1234
Doire Choluim Chille city Derry and Strabane United Kingdom 55.00 -7.31 150 32075
Doire Cluthar city Offaly Ireland 53.24 -7.48 265 11779
Doire Cúile city Offaly Ireland 53.26 -7.67 236 1309
Doire Dhraighneach city Offaly Ireland 53.39 -7.28 830 2399
Doire Eadarúil city Donegal Ireland 54.91 -8.34 262 1885
Doire Fhada city Leitrim Ireland 54.10 -7.78 242 1350
Doire Fhinin city Cork Ireland 51.90 -9.21 856 881
Doire Fhuinsigh city Offaly Ireland 53.18 -7.20 275 5414
Doire Gaill city Laois Ireland 53.09 -7.33 413 5713
Doire Ghabhla city Monaghan Ireland 54.34 -7.01 830 2284
Doire Ghofraidh city Monaghan Ireland 54.41 -7.05 830 3242
Doire Leathan city Donegal Ireland 54.64 -8.63 200 1206
Doire Liatháin city Sligo Ireland 54.40 -8.45 305 1416
Doire Loinn city Fermanagh and Omagh United Kingdom 54.18 -7.57 236 2404
Doire Longain city Meath Ireland 53.62 -6.82 259 2338
Doire Luachain city Donegal Ireland 54.85 -8.26 830 855
Doire Mhic Chais city Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon United Kingdom 54.47 -6.38 301 19261
Doire Mhóna city Cavan Ireland 54.15 -7.42 360 2429
Doire Thorc city Causeway Coast and Glens United Kingdom 54.95 -6.88 830 129
Doire Trasna city Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon United Kingdom 54.50 -6.47 187 11904
Doire Uachtair city Galway Ireland 53.26 -9.23 134 2040
Doire Uí Chatharnaigh city Offaly Ireland 53.24 -7.79 206 1827
Doire Uí Chofaigh city Offaly Ireland 53.36 -7.33 830 1827
Doire Uí Fhríl city Donegal Ireland 54.79 -8.44 3 1027
Doire an Bhile city Offaly Ireland 53.18 -7.18 269 5678
Doire an Chip city Leitrim Ireland 54.03 -7.88 180 1386
Doire an Chuilinn city Kerry Ireland 51.97 -9.37 830 566
Doire an Eadain city Kerry Ireland 51.88 -10.09 164 440
Doire an Ghabhláin city Offaly Ireland 53.33 -7.47 252 6007
Doire an Tobair city Leitrim Ireland 54.07 -8.04 314 1462
Doire an tSoirn city Kildare Ireland 53.34 -6.94 249 2207
Doire na Gabhla city Monaghan Ireland 54.39 -7.04 1669 2471
Doire na Maol city Mayo Ireland 54.21 -9.90 239 1087
Doire na Muc city Wicklow Ireland 52.96 -6.56 1669 708
Doire na gCon city Offaly Ireland 53.30 -7.73 216 1816
Doire na hEilte Beag city Leitrim Ireland 54.08 -7.85 387 1535
Doire na hEilte Mór city Leitrim Ireland 54.10 -7.87 830 706
Doire Ó gConaíle city Fermanagh and Omagh United Kingdom 54.43 -7.80 249 2289
Doirenci city Lovech Bulgaria 43.23 24.83 269 1788
Doirentsi city Lovech Bulgaria 43.23 24.83 269 1788
Doirentzi city Lovech Bulgaria 43.23 24.83 269 1788
Doirenzi city Lovech Bulgaria 43.23 24.83 269 1788
Doirí Beaga city Donegal Ireland 55.08 -8.29 150 2019
Doirín Argan city Roscommon Ireland 54.03 -8.12 242 1134
Doirín an Charnáin city Galway Ireland 53.03 -8.73 229 681
Doirín na Gaoithe city Kerry Ireland 51.95 -9.95 830 276
Doirín na Muice city Galway Ireland 53.06 -8.55 830 347

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