
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Doerae city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.22 127.71 374 11257
Doeran city Tulcea Romania 44.85 28.38 830 3256
Doerbach city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 49.93 6.83 830 5430
Doerdel city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.38 7.69 853 72337
Doerdjela city Maluku Indonesia -5.79 134.19 36 12657
Doerebougou city Koulikoro Mali 13.32 -7.63 1177 4023
Doeren 1 city Jawa Barat Indonesia -6.26 106.85 82 1793704
Doerenan city Jawa Timur Indonesia -8.12 111.80 393 139833
Doerenhagen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.67 8.83 990 15237
Doerenlantjoer city Jawa Timur Indonesia -8.30 111.64 1696 32893
Doerenmarau city Indonesia -1.63 110.92 830 621
Doerensawit 1 city Jakarta Indonesia -6.23 106.91 65 1855964
Doerenthe city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.22 7.68 173 10717
Doerentiga 1 city Jakarta Indonesia -6.25 106.84 65 1942052
Doereonggeotae city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.43 127.24 262 96602
Doerfchen city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.79 13.03 242 3427
Doerfel city Sachsen Germany 50.65 13.18 1961 10877
Doerfel city Sachsen Germany 50.59 12.95 2509 25374
Doerferdeich city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 53.87 9.32 3 1386
Doerfl city Steiermark Austria 46.82 15.85 1043 6616
Doerfl city Oberosterreich Austria 48.27 14.90 1669 1023
Doerfl city Oberosterreich Austria 48.25 14.68 1030 13773
Doerfl city Oberosterreich Austria 48.17 14.18 1187 22273
Doerfl city Steiermark Austria 47.47 15.87 2509 6109
Doerfl city Steiermark Austria 47.32 15.78 1866 6184
Doerfl city Steiermark Austria 47.10 15.92 1040 6503
Doerfl city Steiermark Austria 46.98 15.88 1145 12198
Doerfl city Karnten Austria 46.95 14.60 5029 2679
Doerfl city Karnten Austria 46.95 14.38 3349 7663
Doerfl city Tirol Austria 46.80 12.67 4189 2164
Doerfl im Burgenland city Burgenland Austria 47.48 16.48 830 4601
Doerfla city Steiermark Austria 46.97 16.05 898 7313
Doerfla city Steiermark Austria 46.94 15.67 1669 7359
Doerflach city Steiermark Austria 47.57 15.27 4189 2682
Doerflas city Thuringen Germany 50.58 11.69 1200 6923
Doerfle city Vorarlberg Austria 47.07 9.92 2509 5127
Doerfli city Grigioni Switzerland 46.82 9.75 5961 1623
Doerfli city Nidwalden Switzerland 46.90 8.39 2769 4622
Doerflingen city Schaffhausen Switzerland 47.71 8.72 1669 18959
Doerga city Paramaribo Suriname 5.82 -55.19 9 170096
Doergelin city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.89 12.80 114 3303
Doergen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.22 8.80 167 51706
Doergenhausen city Sachsen Germany 51.42 14.23 390 17546
Doerholt city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.96 7.31 830 26444
Doeri city Jakarta Indonesia -6.16 106.80 3 2100476
Doeri city Jakarta Indonesia -6.19 106.77 26 1927412
Doeri-ketjil city Indonesia -6.16 106.72 22 1218061
Doerian city Sumatera Selatan Indonesia -3.96 104.32 219 9755
Doerian city Indonesia -2.57 119.57 2687 495
Doerian city Lampung Indonesia -5.60 105.15 331 17211
Doerianboeboer city Indonesia -1.87 111.38 291 1149
Doeriangadang city Sumatera Barat Indonesia -0.57 101.04 882 1403
Doerianggawengi city Indonesia -1.00 119.63 846 2510
Doeriankiat city Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2.21 112.15 830 7652
Doerianloentjoek city Jambi Indonesia -1.88 102.99 173 4635
Doeriansebatang city Kalimantan Barat Indonesia -0.78 109.93 134 795
Doering city Wisconsin United States 45.24 -89.46 1669
Doeringsbrueck city Brandenburg Germany 52.78 13.10 124 7599
Doeringsdorf city Thuringen Germany 51.22 10.16 1148 7813
Doerjela city Maluku Indonesia -5.79 134.19 36 12657
Doerlinbach city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.25 7.96 1669 6706
Doermbach city Hessen Germany 50.52 9.81 1669 7088
Doermbach an der Milseburg city Hessen Germany 50.56 9.92 1669 4768
Doermo city Jawa Timur Indonesia -8.30 112.56 1059 44992
Doermte city Niedersachsen Germany 53.02 10.71 173 3427
Doerna city Thuringen Germany 51.24 10.37 984 13351
Doernbach city Oberosterreich Austria 48.28 14.20 1158 35331
Doernbach city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 49.61 7.79 830 9989
Doernberg city Hessen Germany 51.34 9.34 1669 25707
Doernberg city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.31 8.42 1856 10020
Doerndich city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 49.81 7.64 830 7599
Doernerholz city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.74 8.80 830 71154
Doernfeld an der Heide city Thuringen Germany 50.66 11.07 1227 8469
Doernfeld an der Ilm city Thuringen Germany 50.73 11.04 1669 8046
Doernhagen city Hessen Germany 51.23 9.50 830 50532
Doernhoek city North West South Africa -25.35 27.10 3503 13922
Doernholthausen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.28 7.99 1669 10820
Doernholzhausen city Hessen Germany 51.06 8.87 1669 9838
Doernick city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.16 10.36 68 7301
Doernigheim city Hessen Germany 50.14 8.84 337 107317
Doernitz city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 52.21 12.20 285 2676
Doernscheid city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.94 7.85 1669 26817
Doernsdorf city Czech Republic 50.45 13.13 2785 2459
Doernten city Niedersachsen Germany 51.97 10.40 830 18393
Doernthal city Sachsen Germany 50.73 13.35 2509 9385
Doeroa city Maluku Indonesia -5.54 132.73 0 3129
Doeroeme city Indonesia 2.10 127.85 285 991
Doeroi city Manica Mozambique -19.23 33.84 1118 2752
Doerpe city Niedersachsen Germany 52.13 9.56 830 4435
Doerpe city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.17 7.30 1026 63633
Doerpe city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.05 7.31 872 21659
Doerpel city Niedersachsen Germany 52.67 8.59 134 1788
Doerperhoehe city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.18 7.30 843 65834
Doerpholz city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.17 7.29 961 77537
Doerpinghausen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.13 7.46 1082 10864
Doerpling city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.26 9.30 29 5576
Doerpmuehle city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.16 7.30 1026 60667
Doerpstedt city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.13 9.59 39 1333
Doerpum city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.65 9.00 32 3576
Doerr city Florida United States 27.72 -82.45 6
Doerrberg city Thuringen Germany 50.73 10.79 1669 7803
Doerrenbach city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.07 7.42 984 15804
Doerrenbach city Saarland Germany 49.43 7.24 1167 24565
Doerrenberg city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.00 7.49 830 12709
Doerrenhof city Hessen Germany 50.46 9.90 1669 4718
Doerrensolz city Thuringen Germany 50.61 10.26 1669 3516
Doerrieloh city Niedersachsen Germany 52.60 8.72 114 1788
Doerriesloh city Niedersachsen Germany 52.78 8.89 170 1788
Doerrigsen city Niedersachsen Germany 51.75 9.86 830 8374
Doerrwalde city Brandenburg Germany 51.59 14.06 360 10938
Doerrwiese city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 49.81 7.06 1669 4917
Doerscheid city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 50.11 7.75 1148 5822
Doerschnitz city Sachsen Germany 51.23 13.31 830 6243
Doersdorf city Saarland Germany 49.47 6.96 1158 8555
Doerstewitz city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.40 11.92 328 31949
Doertendorf city Thuringen Germany 50.70 12.02 1190 4470
Doerun city Georgia United States 31.32 -83.92 370
Doerun-ri city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.38 127.04 830 430116
Doerverden city Niedersachsen Germany 52.85 9.24 52 9047
Doeryonggol city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.70 127.71 830 3010

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