
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Doebbelin city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 52.57 11.79 108 9299
Doebberin city Brandenburg Germany 52.44 14.37 223 7582
Doebbersen city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.58 11.07 114 2792
Doebbrick city Brandenburg Germany 51.82 14.34 206 34520
Doebeln city Sachsen Germany 51.12 13.11 830 38993
Doebeltitz city Sachsen Germany 51.50 13.09 272 3427
Doeben city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.97 11.77 173 20326
Doeben city Sachsen Germany 51.24 12.76 830 20570
Doeberitz city Brandenburg Germany 52.50 13.07 141 45624
Doeberitz city Brandenburg Germany 52.52 12.37 91 17289
Doeberkitz city Sachsen Germany 51.19 14.34 830 18913
Doeberln city Sachsen Germany 51.12 13.11 830 38993
Doebern city Sachsen Germany 51.25 12.92 830 4352
Doebern city Sachsen Germany 51.62 14.60 830 1105
Doebern city Sachsen Germany 51.60 12.99 262 21266
Doebern city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.60 12.40 269 9910
Doeberner Grenze city Brandenburg Germany 51.63 14.60 830 1188
Doebernitz city Sachsen Germany 51.51 12.35 324 25461
Doebitz city Sachsen Germany 51.38 12.52 400 26888
Doebitzschen city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.08 12.24 830 17934
Doeblitz city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.56 11.83 357 8457
Doeblitz city Thuringen Germany 50.74 11.85 1177 6589
Doebna city Moskovskaya Oblast' Russia 56.73 37.17 383 48015
Doebra city Sachsen Germany 51.33 14.17 830 18657
Doebra city Sachsen Germany 50.84 13.84 1669 5428
Doebriach city Karnten Austria 46.78 13.66 3349 3599
Doebrichau city Sachsen Germany 51.60 13.13 272 3348
Doebris city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.12 12.13 830 15553
Doebritschen city Thuringen Germany 51.04 11.68 830 4885
Doebritz city Thuringen Germany 50.69 11.64 1154 6854
Doebritzchen city Sachsen Germany 51.26 13.56 830 12798
Doebschke city Sachsen Germany 51.19 14.32 830 8552
Doebschuetz city Sachsen Germany 51.19 14.76 830 285
Doebān city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.09 74.55 5383 91908

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