
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Buteza city Sironko Uganda 1.12 34.33 5869 79540
Buteza city Butaleja Uganda 0.89 34.00 3494 31846
Butezhi city Vitebskaya Oblast' Belarus 55.06 30.06 830 165
Butezi city Gitega Burundi -3.79 29.94 6709 25123
Butezi city Rutana Burundi -3.96 29.99 5029 31681
Butezi city Rutana Burundi -3.87 30.21 4189 12267
Butezi city Ruyigi Burundi -3.40 30.15 5144 16748
Butezi city Kayanza Burundi -3.00 29.75 5328 41582
Butezi city Ngozi Burundi -2.88 30.13 5229 47874
Butezi city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.92 28.37 4553 4321
Butezi city Ouest Rwanda -1.86 29.62 5403 63484
Butezi city Est Rwanda -2.37 30.55 5029 24708
Butezi city Est Rwanda -2.17 30.72 5869 21442
Butezi city Sud Rwanda -2.51 29.92 5029 39985

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