
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bedza city Matabeleland South Zimbabwe -20.44 28.43 4475 894
Bedza city Zimbabwe -19.37 32.73 5029 5279
Bedzamagosa city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 1.88 30.12 5029 14006
Bedzhazlu city Ararat Armenia 39.97 44.56 2785 24707
Bedzhelek city Sakha (Yakutiya) Russia 61.96 130.17 830 0
Bedzhene city Shumen Bulgaria 43.45 27.27 1220 5913
Bedzheushan city Azarbayjan-e Sharqi Iran 38.54 46.75 5869 1937
Bedzhey city Batken Kyrgyzstan 40.01 71.22 5869 4166
Bedzhime city Sakha (Yakutiya) Russia 62.02 130.53 830 0
Bedzhime city Sakha (Yakutiya) Russia 62.01 130.54 830 0
Bedzhirman city Batman Turkey 37.61 41.57 3369 3278
Bedzhukh city Sirnak Turkey 37.39 42.99 5324 1937
Bedziai city Utena Lithuania 55.60 25.46 360 1043
Bedziechow city Wielkopolskie Poland 51.88 18.44 830 5030
Bedziechowo city Pomorskie Poland 54.59 17.29 98 2028
Bedziemin city Mazowieckie Poland 53.05 19.83 403 5589
Bedzieszewo city Warminsko-Mazurskie Poland 54.31 22.63 830 1325
Bedzieszyn city Wielkopolskie Poland 51.73 17.85 830 5934
Bedzieszyna city Malopolskie Poland 49.82 20.66 1092 10379
Bedzimirowice city Pomorskie Poland 53.81 18.06 830 4686
Bedzin city Slaskie Poland 50.32 19.15 941 144223
Bedzjelek city Sakha (Yakutiya) Russia 61.96 130.17 830 0
Bedzmierowice city Pomorskie Poland 53.81 18.06 830 4686
Bedzmirowice city Pomorskie Poland 53.81 18.06 830 4686

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