
Alphabetical listing of Places in Kigoma

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sabigoma city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.02 30.29 4189 7599
Sanze city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.50 29.65 2664 481
Shonge city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.58 29.75 5869 3790
Sikoke city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.20 29.80 5029 0
Simbo city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.88 29.74 2713 20512
Sitete city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.13 29.87 5321 0
Sitwa city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.17 30.28 5869 0
Sororia city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.17 31.17 4189 3278

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