
Alphabetical listing of Places in Korea, Republic of (South)

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mijae city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.43 127.89 318 29894
Mijae city Jeonbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 35.70 127.09 830 175158
Mijae city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.17 129.11 856 17582
Mijae-gol city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.25 128.46 1056 2379
Mijam city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.86 129.00 1916 1043
Mijil-tong city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.62 128.87 830 3427
Mijo city Gyeongnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.76 128.29 285 425
Mijo-ri city Gyeongnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.71 128.05 0 5515
Mijo-ri city Korea, Republic of (South) 34.82 128.72 187 18685
Mijo-ri city Gyeongnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.76 128.29 285 425
Mijok-tong city Jeonbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 35.99 127.43 1010 7617
Mijol-li city Gyeongnam Korea, Republic of (South) 35.41 128.81 111 15048
Mijon-ri city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.83 127.88 380 12016
Mijonri city Gyeongnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.71 128.05 0 5515
Mijonsam-ni city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.83 127.88 830 12016
Mijora city Korea, Republic of (South) 34.82 128.72 187 18685
Mijorangi city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.48 127.66 830 7748
Miju-gol city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.45 128.33 216 6582
Mijŏl-li city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.30 127.83 856 7007
Mijŏni-ri city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.83 127.88 380 12016

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