
Alphabetical listing of Places in Chungnam

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
수곡 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.50 126.59 91 14516
수골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.69 126.95 830 12495
수구동 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.67 127.23 328 24563
수구물 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.93 126.42 49 30149
수단 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.40 126.75 403 8183
수당리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.81 126.61 167 14785
수당리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.84 126.56 157 15908
수당리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.12 127.52 830 16731
수덕고개 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.66 126.63 298 13072
수라리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.81 126.93 26 44484
수락 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.30 126.97 219 24600
수락 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.15 127.31 830 108905
수락리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.15 127.31 2083 76853
수란 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.58 126.73 101 26542
수란리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.58 126.75 305 19632
수량뜰 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.39 126.67 223 23371
수룡동 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.53 126.51 16 13268
수루골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.45 127.04 236 8167
수루넘이 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.86 126.93 295 10388
수리넘어 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.37 127.02 104 7470
수목리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.28 126.85 78 16093
수무골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.84 126.20 180 7185
수무굴 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.50 126.75 236 13561
수문개 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 37.02 126.53 91 6917
수문개 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.91 126.29 19 3632
수문개 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.98 126.70 42 7109
수문목 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.97 126.43 0 29543
수미 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.82 126.63 252 18674
수복동 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.24 127.25 830 67147
수부리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.27 126.62 95 15720
수석동 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.77 126.48 45 52767
수석리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.47 126.84 830 7819
수선동 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.49 126.93 830 7475
수신리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.36 126.73 830 9594
수실 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.40 127.25 213 20352
수실 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.73 126.93 295 34371
수심대 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.17 127.40 830 120111
수안 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.26 126.62 16 13691
수안이 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.83 127.01 131 47093
수암 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.77 127.38 383 33405
수암산말 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.68 126.66 830 11109
수양뜰 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.66 126.68 68 20883
수양리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.30 126.81 255 9182
수억 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.95 126.30 0 2343
수역 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.30 127.17 101 8875
수영골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.17 127.39 830 136548
수영곶이 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.91 126.42 26 30029
수원골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.70 126.57 830 12429
수월리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.90 127.14 62 76180
수유동 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.79 126.16 157 6031
수은터 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.91 126.49 42 17153
수입 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.75 127.33 383 52311
수자골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.59 126.57 68 17370
수작골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.37 127.11 344 7301
수장리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.80 126.95 26 53672
수정거 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.30 127.17 124 8875
수정동 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.32 127.19 370 9673
수정리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.47 126.71 262 13982
수정리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.21 127.20 150 16517
수조 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.64 126.80 36 29870
수조리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.64 126.88 127 17989
수천리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.00 127.50 1095 8718
수철 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.83 126.23 167 8661
수철리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.51 126.52 108 11403
수청리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.89 126.66 164 35437
수청리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.78 127.05 26 76295
수촌리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.67 126.71 19 16246
수촌리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.50 127.15 104 60702
수통 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.05 127.59 830 8421
수통골 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.21 127.52 1249 21071
수통리 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.06 127.60 830 8421
수현 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.75 126.39 219 29860
수현 city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.76 126.41 101 34874

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