Alphabetical listing of Places in India
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Puccapul | city | Bihar | India | 25.24 | 87.45 | 114 | 70798 |
Puchaguda | city | Odisha | India | 18.50 | 82.27 | 1669 | 9772 |
Puchakad | city | Kerala | India | 12.38 | 75.06 | 62 | 42907 |
Puchakāyalgūdem | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 17.01 | 79.51 | 830 | 25922 |
Puchalu | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 18.26 | 82.87 | 4189 | 16898 |
Puchanūr | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 18.43 | 79.30 | 918 | 41571 |
Puchapadibail | city | Karnataka | India | 12.65 | 75.53 | 830 | 23444 |
Pucharlakunta Tanda | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 17.05 | 78.32 | 2509 | 30499 |
Puchchalakuntlapalle | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 13.87 | 77.96 | 2509 | 47078 |
Puchchalapalli | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 14.05 | 80.11 | 16 | 26642 |
Puchchamogaru | city | Karnataka | India | 13.03 | 75.04 | 164 | 30466 |
Puchchamogaru | city | Karnataka | India | 13.01 | 75.02 | 200 | 32855 |
Puchep | city | Arunachal Pradesh | India | 27.23 | 95.85 | 1669 | 4587 |
Puchetadka | city | Karnataka | India | 12.78 | 75.26 | 213 | 47760 |
Puchhari | city | Bihar | India | 25.96 | 84.68 | 177 | 170376 |
Puchhariya | city | Bihar | India | 26.45 | 84.70 | 203 | 105159 |
Puchheli | city | Chhattisgarh | India | 21.94 | 82.71 | 830 | 47335 |
Puchheli | city | Chhattisgarh | India | 22.02 | 81.89 | 862 | 30539 |
Puchhi | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.44 | 79.23 | 830 | 17135 |
Puchhi | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.82 | 79.66 | 971 | 22985 |
Puchhi | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.44 | 78.82 | 830 | 15932 |
Puchhia Baramthan | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.64 | 83.46 | 203 | 101782 |
Puchhkatia | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.86 | 82.08 | 298 | 73595 |
Puchhla ka Bas | city | Rajasthan | India | 27.51 | 77.12 | 830 | 46675 |
Puchhritola | city | Bihar | India | 25.62 | 84.26 | 167 | 69144 |
Puchhāri | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.79 | 78.15 | 830 | 39604 |
Puchi | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.90 | 78.77 | 1046 | 28429 |
Puchikhul | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.59 | 74.81 | 8812 | 39626 |
Puchkatwa | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.21 | 82.44 | 314 | 135654 |
Puchāl | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.34 | 75.74 | 5154 | 86545 |
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