
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nilo Rukunpur city Bihar India 25.82 85.51 137 166412
Nilod city Maharashtra India 20.23 75.62 2014 28037
Nilogal city Karnataka India 16.15 76.67 1679 36206
Nilogal city Karnataka India 15.91 75.86 1811 22354
Nilogi city Karnataka India 17.06 76.61 1669 20330
Niloguda city Odisha India 18.83 82.53 1896 29119
Nilogūda city Odisha India 18.79 82.45 1968 18009
Niloi city Uttar Pradesh India 26.89 78.92 830 59555
Nilokeri city Haryana India 29.84 76.93 830 93068
Nilokhera city Haryana India 29.84 76.93 830 93068
Nilokheri city Haryana India 29.84 76.93 830 93068
Nilon Kalan city Punjab India 30.85 76.12 830 96928
Nilon Khurd city Punjab India 30.85 76.11 830 104366
Nilona city Maharashtra India 20.28 77.66 1669 28604
Niloni Shāhpur city Uttar Pradesh India 28.29 77.57 830 65505
Nilot city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.17 76.27 10908 298
Nilothi city Haryana India 28.81 76.88 830 41916
Nilott city Kerala India 11.76 75.89 2509 37934
Nilowal city Punjab India 31.04 76.15 830 53655
Nilowāli city Punjab India 30.08 75.80 830 50135

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