
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kole city Madhya Pradesh India 24.63 80.49 1066 21088
Kole Kas city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.91 74.45 1043 19966
Kolebīra city Jharkhand India 22.70 84.69 1902 17008
Kolegaon city Maharashtra India 20.30 75.90 1912 25782
Kolegaon city Chhattisgarh India 22.09 81.42 1049 19051
Kolegodu city Karnataka India 14.05 74.80 2050 11026
Kolegodu city Karnataka India 14.10 74.84 1679 11026
Koleha city Bihar India 24.75 84.76 337 69663
Koleha city West Bengal India 24.21 87.85 127 91302
Kolejhari city Maharashtra India 20.19 78.42 1062 14161
Kolekar city Karnataka India 13.40 75.19 2509 11674
Kolekarwādi city Maharashtra India 17.58 76.23 1669 28763
Kolekha city Haryana India 29.68 76.21 830 49347
Kolela city Uttar Pradesh India 27.51 81.38 383 56855
Kolenahalli city Karnataka India 14.34 75.87 1843 46155
Kolendra city Chhattisgarh India 21.21 80.85 1056 22151
Koleng city Chhattisgarh India 18.78 82.01 2509 14193
Kolentaje city Karnataka India 13.13 75.17 830 22014
Kolentha city Kerala India 12.01 75.54 416 65373
Kolesar city Uttar Pradesh India 26.49 83.28 219 76692
Koleshwar city Uttarakhand India 29.63 79.86 6709 14453
Koleta Gujar city Rajasthan India 26.64 76.52 879 22470
Koleta Mina city Rajasthan India 26.62 76.51 875 22486
Kolewadi city Maharashtra India 19.03 76.83 1207 22453

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