
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gurpahār city Bihar India 25.58 87.68 78 80065
Gurpal city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.43 74.83 11249 14219
Gurpalli city Andhra Pradesh India 18.73 79.33 830 33231
Gurparshad Singh city Uttar Pradesh India 27.05 81.82 383 79371
Gurpathar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.56 74.90 10068 40563
Gurpati Chak city Bihar India 25.41 85.04 160 138101
Gurphali city Maharashtra India 19.53 77.74 1669 23250
Gurphali city Uttarakhand India 29.94 79.08 5869 13274
Gurpher city Chhattisgarh India 20.38 80.90 1669 10432
Gurpur city Karnataka India 12.94 74.93 127 157254
Gurpur city Karnataka India 12.20 76.29 2509 30088
Gurpura city Punjab India 30.93 76.53 843 64169
Gurpura city Uttar Pradesh India 25.81 83.86 187 109806
Gurpuri Binaik city Uttar Pradesh India 28.10 79.08 830 63682
Gurpuri Chandan city Uttar Pradesh India 28.12 79.19 830 60961
Gurpurwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.67 81.95 383 74602
Gurpurwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.59 81.71 318 73842
Gurpāra city Madhya Pradesh India 24.72 79.71 954 15129

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