
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gurkahan city Himachal Pradesh India 31.17 77.25 5403 9352
Gurkainagenhalli city Karnataka India 13.45 77.62 2631 34515
Gurkamal city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.86 75.70 11748 298
Gurkegadde city Karnataka India 14.87 74.68 1669 6397
Gurkhai city Madhya Pradesh India 24.17 79.85 1197 11411
Gurkhapali city Odisha India 21.30 83.79 830 27181
Gurkhapur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.70 81.16 393 56534
Gurkhauli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.09 82.77 291 58974
Gurkheri city Punjab India 30.42 76.28 830 44936
Gurkhet city Uttarakhand India 29.91 79.70 5029 16009
Gurkhura city Uttarakhand India 28.92 79.92 830 12981

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