
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bhimbar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.55 74.21 6017 19826
Bhimbar city Uttar Pradesh India 26.24 83.24 213 138485
Bhimbara city Madhya Pradesh India 25.98 77.99 862 30177
Bhimbhori city Chhattisgarh India 21.42 81.59 882 27020
Bhimbhori city Madhya Pradesh India 22.10 80.61 1870 21949
Bhimbhori city Chhattisgarh India 21.51 81.87 954 31675
Bhimbigha city Bihar India 24.70 84.38 390 50595

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