
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
كاثوا city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.37 75.53 1017 56313
كاليكوت city Kerala India 11.25 75.78 6 187787
كرغيل city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.56 76.13 9228 96249
كرور city Tamil Nadu India 10.96 78.08 390 91974
كلبركة city Karnataka India 17.34 76.84 1669 107003
كلكتا city West Bengal India 22.56 88.36 42 1502606
كولكاتا city West Bengal India 22.56 88.36 42 1502606
كويمباتور city Tamil Nadu India 11.01 76.97 1249 49529
كيتهال city Haryana India 29.80 76.40 830 121312

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