Puhti Tiga, Indonesia Page

World:Indonesia:Jawa Timur
Latitude -7.4770 Longitude 111.6018 Altitude (feet) 223
Lat (DMS) 7° 28' 37S Long (DMS) 111° 36' 6E Altitude (meters) 67
Time zone (est) Asia/Jakarta
Approximate population for 7 km radius from this point: 80444
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Weather Charts

New There has been a serious bug with these forecasts until today December 12 2021. They were primarily tested on London, which was accurate.

Puhti Tiga Temperature in Celsius

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Puhti Tiga Cloud Cover in Percent

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Puhti Tiga Precipitation

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Nearby Cities and Towns
West North East South
Sawo Dua (0.4 nm)
Sawo Satu (0.5 nm)
Gayam (0.6 nm)
Sawo (0.7 nm)
Klempun (0.8 nm)
Pulerejo (0.6 nm)
Sumbang (0.7 nm)
Ngale (1.0 nm)
Sumur (1.0 nm)
Puhti Dua (0.2 nm)
Puhti Satu (0.4 nm)
Puhti (0.5 nm)
Sembung (0.6 nm)
Muneng (0.7 nm)
Simo Satu (1.0 nm)
Puhti (1.0 nm)
Sembung Tiga (1.0 nm)
Sembung Satu (1.0 nm)
Simo Dua (1.1 nm)

Nearby Airports

Code IATA Kind Name City Distance Bearing Airlines
WARI Small ISWAHYUDI Madiun 12 nm W 230
WARC CPF Small Ngloram Airport Tjepu-Java Island 17 nm N 349
WARQ SOC Small ADI SUMARMO WIRYOKUSUMO Solo 50 nm W 267 Airfast Indonesia, Batik Air, Citilink, Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia AirAsia, Kalstar Aviation, Lion Air, NAM Air, Sriwijaya Air, Trigana Air Service, Wings Air
WRSP Closed Tanjung Perak Airport Surabaya-Java Island 68 nm E 77
WARR SUB Large JUANDA Surabaya 70 nm E 85 '''AirAsia''', Airfast Indonesia, Batik Air, Cathay Pacific , China Airlines Co., Ltd., Citilink, EVA Air , Eaglexpress, EastIndo, Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia AirAsia, Jetstar Asia Airways, Kalstar Aviation, Lion Air, My Indo Airlines, NAM Air, Royal Brunei Airlines, Saudia, SilkAir, Singapore Airlines, Sriwijaya Air, Susi Air, Tiger Airways Singapore Pte Ltd, Trigana Air Service, Wings Air
Nearby references in Wikipedia:
Distance Title
10.2 nm SW Wilis Stadium
10.3 nm NW Ngawi Regency
12.4 nm SW Maospati
13.0 nm SW Iswahyudi Air Force Base

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Presentation Copyright © Falling Rain Software, Ltd. 1996-2021
Sat Aug 27 13:31:42 2016